Directed by Georgy A. Smirnov
Unique Russian Voices – Basses Profondo
Vladimir Miller and Yury Vishnjakov
In The New Christmas Program
Christmas With The Orthodox Singers
Anatoly Obraztsov (Bass), Peter Panov (Bass), Oleg Grigoraschenko (Tenor), Alexander Pronin (Tenor) Alexey Maslov (Tenor-Alt). |
- Troparion to the Christmas (Tone 4).
Arrangement by A.Kastal’sky (1856 – 1926)
- Kontakion to the Christmas (Tone 3).
Greek chant
Magnification to the
Christmas. Music by Boris Dodonov, arr. by G. Smirnov.
Soloist Peter Panov (basso), canonarch Vladimir Miller
(basso profondo).
- God with Us. Music by Pavel Chesnokov (1877-1944), op.40, №6, arr.
by G, Smirnov. Soloist Alexander Pronin (Tenor)
It is Truly Meet (entrance preying, demestvenny chant, early Russian
polyphon). Soloist Yury Vishnjakov (Basso Profondo)
- All Angels Are Rejoicing. (Stanza for the Nativity of
Christ. Music by Iakov Chmelev (1877 – 1944), arr.
by G. Smirnov. Soloists Anatoly Obraztsov (Basso) and Alexey Maslov
- The Lord is saying (Choral concert). Music by
Alexander Nikol’sky (1874 – 1843), arr. by P.
The Doors of Compassion open unto us, O Blessed Theotokos. Music by
Alexander Kopylov (1854 – 1911)
- Exclaim to the Lord, all the earth! Music by Alexander Grechaninov
(1864 – 1956), arr. by P. Chesnokov
- Gentle Light. The Vesper Hymn to the Son of God. Music by Alexander Grechaninov (1864 – 1956), arr. by G. Smirnov. Soloists: Igor
Ivent’ev, Vitaly Dz’uba, Andrey Tushev, Yury
Vishnjakov, Anatoly Obraztsov
Come, Let Us Bless Joseph Of Eternal Memory
(During the
veneration of the tomb following the dismissal of Matins, Tone 5 ).
Music by Pavel Chesnokov (1877 – 1944), op.9,#28
- I wanted, Lord, to wipe away the record of my faults with tears
of Compunction). Music by priest Georgy Izvekov (end of 20th
– 1937), arr. by G. Smirnov. Soloists: Igor
Ivent’ev, Andrey Tushev, Jury Vishnjakov
- Behold, bless ye the Lord (Psalm 134). Music by
Georgy Rjutov, arr. by G. Smirnov. Soloist Oleg Grigoraschenko (Tenor)
Do not reject me in my old age. Music by Pavel Chesnokov, op.40,
№5, arr. by G. Smirnov. Soloist Vladimir Miller (Basso profondo)
- The Appeal to the Tushin's betrayers of the Russian Patriarch
Hermogen proclaimed to the Moscow people by Deacon in 1609. Music by
Alexandr Kastal’sky 1856 – 1926), arr. by G.
Smirnov. Soloist Anatoly Obraztsov (Basso)
Praise The Lord From The Heaven (at the Sunday communion).
Music by Boris Ledkovsky (1894-1970), arr. by G. Smirnov
We hymn Thee. Music by Sergey Rakhmaninov, op.31, №12. Soloist
Alexey Maslov (Tenor – alt)
The legend of twelve robbers (Russian folk song).
Soloist Peter Panov (Bass)
The evening bells (Russian folk song). Soloist
Alexey Maslov (Tenor-Alt)
- Many Years. Music by Pavel Chesnokov
09.01.2006 DVD recording at Riga’s Dom (Latvia) Art director, conductor, precentor – Georgy Smirnov
Promotion, Tour & Concerts is organized by Herman Braun Fond (www.hbf.lv).
Producer – Georgy Smirnov
© 2006 Georgy A. Smirnov. All rights reserved |